By Katerina LaMorgese
When a new season is approaching, I am always looking for new products to try! After doing lots of research, I realized there was something that I was missing in my very detailed routine. While I had nearly every product I needed in my routine, I did not have any treatments containing acid. I know acid in skincare sounds very scary, but if it is a limited amount it helps resurface your skin and balance its pH.
After researching lots of products I found the Tarte Knockout Tingling Treatment. I have since been using this treatment for a month and I absolutely love it. When I first started using the product, it burned a lot during the application, this is because I have never used a product containing acid before. Because of that I began only using it three times a week, to ease the treatment into my skincare routine and to ensure I did not have a negative reaction.
After seeing how smooth the toner was making my skin and eliminating my texture, I began using it five to six days a week only at night. It has reduced the number of breakouts I get monthly, which is a big deal for me. Even though it contains acid my skin hasn’t been dry at all, it has actually been softer, which is definitely something to keep in mind for the cooler seasons approaching. In the end, this new product has changed my skincare for the better and I’m so happy that I have found a product that works great with my skin.